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Covenant Presbyterian Church
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Covenant Presbyterian Church of Albuquerque New Mexico.
Address9315 Candelaria Rd NE Albuquerque, NM 87112-1301
Phone(505) 299-3621
Directions and Contact info >
Covenant Church is located in the Northeast Heights of Albuquerque on Candelaria Rd between Wyoming and Eubank.

when covenant kin dwell together in unity. (Ps. 133:1)
Adopted into the family of God through the Covenant of Baptism, the members of Covenant Presbyterian Church joyfully witness for Jesus Christ within the Reformed Christian tradition.
Nourished at the Lord’s table, we delight in lively worship and preaching, rich and varied music, energy from our youth and children’s programs, the challenge of lifelong learning, and our profound caring for one another.
We are committed to being a spiritual home for the diverse community that surrounds our church;
to reaching out to local and global neighbors by educating, feeding, clothing, and comforting those in need of a healing touch;
and to being a welcoming and inclusive community of faith, celebrating our differences through our unity in Christ.
Please join us, for worship, study, and service! You are always welcome here.

Dear Covenant Kin,
Today we’re hustling around buying last minute groceries, delighting in reunions with family, and looking forward to that after-the-turkey football and/or snooze tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!
Before we turn around twice, however, it will be Advent. Indeed, this coming Sunday will be the first Sunday of Advent. I have a special box among our Christmas decorations marked “Advent.” It contains our Advent calendar, and materials for our Advent wreath. I love getting those things out—and nothing else—in late November. At our house, we begin Advent with simplicity and with prayer. What do you do at your house?
When you come to worship at Covenant, you will see that we are marking the beginning of Advent with some absolutely gorgeous new banners in our sanctuary. You will want to thank Natasha Downs, Ann Goswick, and Agnes Holswade for these. They have been working on them since last summer. I can’t wait for you to see them!!! Thanks be to God for such gifted artists!
Here’s the news for the next few weeks…

Join us for an ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve service of worship at St. Luke Lutheran this evening at 7:00 p.m. The combined choirs of Covenant Presbyterian Church, Asbury United Methodist, and St. Luke Lutheran will be singing. Catherine Robinson will be preaching.

The scripture readings for Sunday are Romans13:11-14 and Isaiah 2:1-5. The sermon is titled "Walking in the Light.”
OTHER NEWS & OPPORTUNITIES Congregational Meeting
Sunday, December 5 at 9:30 AM
There will be a Congregational Meeting to receive the report of the Nominating Committee, to receive nominations for 2011 elder and deacon positions, and to elect a new slate of Elders and Deacons. Please plan to attend.
Mary Ruth Circle
The circle will meet Wednesday, Dec. 1 at 11:30 AM in Fellowship Hall for a potluck luncheon. Barbara Learsch and Jean Rowe will be our hostesses. All women of the church are invited to join us with or without a food contribution as there is always plenty to share.

Volunteer(s) are needed to help clean up and restock the pews. If you could commit to one or two weeks a month, please contact Gerry Freyermuth.
Women’s Book Group
For Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2010 the selection is Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier. This is the story of Mary Anning who has a talent for finding fossils, and whose discovery of ancient marine reptiles shakes the scientific community leading to new ways of thinking about the creation of the world. Mary’s fossil finding is mostly done along the southern coastlines in England in the early 1800’s. She works in an arena dominated by middle-class men which puts her out of step with her working-class background. She becomes friends with a middle-class spinster, Elizabeth Philpot, who has a passion for fossils. The 2 share a strong bond and fight the odds and social norms to pursue their shared interest.

The annual Children's Christmas Pageant will be held on December 19th at the second service. The children are now rehearsing during Sunday school between services. All children and volunteers are welcome to participate. Please let Sarah Braaten or Seth Finch know if you are interested in participating.
Blood drives:The last drive of the year will be held on Sunday, December 5th. 21 units of blood would give us 100 for the year, a lofty number to shoot for. Please consider donating!
Dismas House: The annual Dismas House Holiday Gala will take place on Sunday, December 5th, 11 am-1 pm, at the Hotel Albuquerque. Both a silent and a live auction will take place to help generate funds for Dismas House. If you have an item you would like to donate to either auction, please speak with Dave Marks, Dan Pedrick, Helen Bennett, or Bob Mennonna. Your donation will be tax deductible.Tickets are priced at $45, and They will go on sale at Covenant on November 7th. Dismas residents are in need of winter jackets and coats as well as personal hygiene/toiletry items.
Winter Mission Project
Hats, gloves and scarves will be collected in December for students. Look for the marked box.
Adult Sunday School
Helen Bennett’s class on "The Cross" will run through Nov. 28th. Bring a cross to class. Seth will begin a class called “God’s Got A Good Sense of Humor.” Bring your favorite Bible.

Egg Cartons The Olers are full up with egg cartons because chickens do not lay many eggs this time of year. Please do not bring any more egg cartons to church until further notice. Thanks.
Covenant Deacons Christmas Mission Project The Christmas Dinner Menu list is available on the table in the Fireside Room. This is our way of providing a special meal for about 100 Albuquerque families during the holidays. Bring the groceries back to Covenant any time before December 12 (10:45 AM). The Board of Deacons will purchase chicken to go with each meal. These “Christmas dinners” will be delivered to Rio Grande Food Project that day for distribution.
Dismas House The annual Dismas House Holiday Gala will take place on Sunday, December 5th, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM, at the Hotel Albuquerque. Both a silent and a live auction will take place to help generate funds for Dismas House. If you have an item you would like to donate to either auction, please speak with Dave Marks, Dan Pedrick, Helen Bennett, or Bob Mennonna. Your donation will be tax deductible. Tickets are $45, and are on sale at Covenant. Dismas residents are in need of winter jackets and coats as well as personal hygiene/toiletry items.
Church Women United will gather for their annual Christmas Forum on Friday, December 3rd at Monte Vista Christian Church, 3501 Campus Blvd NE. Coffee fellowship will begin at 9:30 and the program at 10:00. Three women will share their favorite Christmas stories and memories. The program will include a Carol sing. Please join us for this joyous occasion. For more information, please call Helen LeKates at 883-6903.
Martineztown House of Neighborly Service is looking for individuals, families, and organizations to adopt 210 families who need food, household items, clothing and Christmas gifts for their children. Family sizes range from two to twelve. If you want to adopt one or more families, please call the Martineztown House of Neighborly Service at 242-4333 by Friday December 10, 2010. No Thanksgiving baskets will be distributed this year. Christmas baskets will be put together on December 21st. There is an immediate need for people who speak Spanish to help interview the requests for Christmas boxes.

Our meditation this week comes from the writing of a good friend of mine—Jim Burklo. He has some good ways of looking at what Chirst’s coming and kingdom are about. Enjoy!
In a time when we try to depersonalize suffering, denying it or making it a fantasy for movies and television, the cross can be a powerful force for healing. Jesus suffered, the people around me suffer, I suffer. We cause each other harm, just as others caused Jesus harm. This is our truth. And in confessing this truth, a wound is opened in our soul through which God can enter…Gazing at the cross can help us confront the false hopes and broken promises that can overwhelm us. It can jolt us back to the presence of the true God. It can serve as a much-needed tonic for the spirit, reminding us that while there is no escape from the human condition, the divine condition that Jesus showed us is there as well, available—and inviting. It holds out its arms for us.
--Jim Burklo, “Open Christianity”


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