Experience - Expertise - Excellence
The Advantage Group has been servicing all facets of accounts receivable recovery needs to the community for over four decades. We provide our clients with:
Our knowledgeable people handle your clients with proficiency and professionalism. All of our personnel are highly-qualified and trained to efficiently facilitate each step of the recovery cycle, maximizing your revenue.
Solutions are built on a foundation of people utilizing their skills to enhance the single, most significant factor in our industry's scope, communication. With every contact our account representatives analyze the facts, evaluate the options and select the best approach, resulting in positive outcomes.
The Advantage Group revenue management professionals are dedicated to creating customized programs that support your needs. Our people effectively problem solve with each phase of the solution. The "gold standard" technology augments and supports our recovery initiatives. "The Total Advantage".
At Payment 1 Financial we’ve recognized a need in the consumer loan industry and have addressed it. We offer the best loan program to customers that might typically use high interest title