G. Holdt Garver, Attorney At Law - Albuquerque, New Mexico
Licensed to practice law in the states of:
A practicing general lawyer for well over 30 years, Mr. Garver represents cients who need help with, for example:
trials, hearing, litigation
probate, trust, estate and will matters
accidents, wrongful death, personal injury
G. Holdt Garver is retired from military service. He received his law degree from the University of Florida School of Law. He is a member in good standing with a number of professional associations, including
It helps us facilitate your inquiry by filling out our intake form. It is emailed to our office staff, as well as to Mr. Garver. Remember to provide your contact details. Although we protect and respect your privacy, and will never share details or any information about you whatsoever with any other party whatsoever, our servers do record your IP address as a matter of anti-spam safety. NEVER put sensitive details in a webform - keep it fairly general. Alternatively, please call us at 505-888-5100 during office hours.
North on San Pedro from Menaul/San Pedro.
One block on the west side of San Pedro, one story office complex 2701 San Pedro NE.
Parking is on the north and west sides of the office complex; our office entry is on the southwest corner of the office complex.
You will see our office sign above the office entrance.
Here is a google map link for your convenience:
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