Our Products section describes our standard offerings and directs you through a series of questions about your specific needs and budget, in order to identify possible solutions.
For our Custom and / or general product requirements, please visit our Custom Solutions section.
For contract, contract amendment, or order handling inquiries, please visit the Support section of the Website or contact sales@rietechglobalcom
Customer feedback, including Customer complaints can also be directed to the Support section where you can find our Customer Satisfaction Survey, and / or contact Rich Engstrom, President richengstrom@rietechglobal.com
Night Navigator 9000 system with daytime and IR cameras is shown above. (Photo courtesy of Current Corporation)
Dec 2009 - Sagebrush acquired by RIETech Global, LLC....
Information on the acquisition....Read more
June 2009 - Sagebrush recognized for Flying 40 Award....
Information on Sagebrush's award....Read more
Welcome to Sagebrush Technologys web resource for gimbals and pan/tilt positioners. We developed this site for both experienced gimbal users and anyone interested in learning about positioning systems.
Our Applications and Gimbals 101 sections are resources for learning about selecting and specifying a system. If you are new to gimbals or unsure of your requirements, this is the place to start.